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Learn more about internship opportunites for bright, Catholic post-graduates to serve the Holy See Mission in Geneva.


The internship program at the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva, provides the opportunity for bright, Catholic, college graduates or graduate students to gain invaluable experience assisting the work of the Holy See in its multilateral work, seeking to bring the light of Catholic Social Teaching to the debates of the international community.Interns attend a wide variety of meetings, conferences, debates, file reports to be sent to the Holy See’s Dicasteries in the Vatican, assist in running the Mission’s events, attend receptions and cultural events held by the Holy See and other Missions, and many other activities. 


How to Apply

Interns are accepted on a rolling basis and up to four interns are taken for any given period of time in a year. Internships are for a minimum of one semester and to a maximum of one year, at the discretion of the Permanent Observer. Those interested are invited to send a cover letter, a curriculum vitae and two letters of recommendation (one from a teacher or academic supervisor, the second from a Catholic priest or chaplain) to: Internship Programme, Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See, Chemin du Vengeron 16, 1292 Chambésy, Switzerland. A PDF copy of the mailed application should also be emailed to [email protected] After an application has been received and evaluated, certain applications may be invited to submit an essay on one of the themes in debate at the UN as the second stage of the process. After that, interviews may be included via Zoom or, for those in the Geneva area, in person as the third stage. 


Selection Criteria

Because of the nature of the work of the Holy See in Geneva, interns must be practicing Catholics; understand, appreciate and believe in Catholic Social Teaching and in the values the Catholic Church seeks to convey before the international community; have a Masters or be enrolled in a post-graduate programme; be fluent in English and, if possible, in one or more of the six official UN languages; be a good, clear and precise writer, capable of analytic and synthetic thought and sound research in libraries and via the internet; be proficent in computer use and office productivity software, including Word and Outlook; and have the ability to work collaboratively as a member of a team. The maximal age to be eligible for the internship is 35 (at the beginning of the internship). 



Interns normally work Monday-Friday 9am to 6pm. There are occasional evening events, as well, as once or twice a year, the need to assist in covering sessions when some of the international fora are meeting on weekends. Attendance at the weekly staff meeting is obligatory. Midmorning Prayer is prayed at 8.50am twice a week in the Chapel and Mass is celebrated on Holy Days of Obligation, all staff and interns are expected to attend. 


Funding, Housing and Meals

Interns are responsible for making their own housing arrangements while in Geneva, covering their initial travel to and from Geneva, purchasing travel/health insurance, and other expenses. However, a staff lunch is offered at the Mission at 1.15pm daily. 

The internship is unpaid; however funding may be available through Fellowship Programmes with certain universities and institutions and through private scholarships. This will be for the prospective intern to explore. 


Further Inquiries, Applications and Questions

For further information, questions and to receive information on the availability of internship placements and how to apply, please contact the Deputy Permanent Representative on: [email protected]


More in About

Learn more about life and work of the Permanent Mission of the Holy See Geneva.