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33rd Special Session of the Trade and Development Board of UNCTAD

  • 17.01.2025
    • UNCTAD
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At the same time, this Ministerial Conference will take place in a particular year for the Catholic Church, that of the Jubilee, which can set each of our countries and all of us on a renewed journey of hope. In this context, allow me to touch upon “three proposals capable of restoring dignity to the lives of entire peoples and enabling them to set them out anew on the journey of hope.”

Statement of H.E. Archbishop Ettore Balestrero, Apostolic Nuncio
Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations
and Other International Organizations in Geneva
at the 33rd Special Session of the Trade and Development Board

of the United Nations Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Geneva, 17 January 2025



Mr. Chair,


My Delegation would like to convey its gratitude to UNCTAD for organizing this Special Session of the Trade and Development Board in preparation for the 16th Ministerial Conference. Furthermore, the Holy See wishes to extend its gratitude to the Government of Vietnam for its offer to host the next Ministerial Conference.

Building on its theme[1], the Conference will represent a key moment in shaping our common future as it will outline the Organization's mandate and strategic areas of work through 2029, coinciding with the final phase of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the implementation of which is lagging behind.

At the same time, this Ministerial Conference will take place in a particular year for the Catholic Church, that of the Jubilee, which can set each of our countries and all of us on a renewed journey of hope. In this context, allow me to touch upon “three proposals capable of restoring dignity to the lives of entire peoples and enabling them to set them out anew on the journey of hope.”[2]

Firstly, the Holy See emphasizes the necessity for reform of the financial framework and for a significant debt relief, including debt forgiveness, in order to break the cycle of financing and indebtedness.

Secondly, Pope Francis has advocated for the promotion of a culture of encounter and dialogue, as a fundamental asset of a renewed multilateralism in a multipolar world.

Thirdly, the Holy See urges that harmful expenditures, especially those related to armaments, be redirected to sustainable development initiatives that can address, inter alia, poverty, hunger, and education. This can also help to build resilience in communities and offer hope in volatile global contexts.

It is against this backdrop that my Delegation takes positive note of UNCTAD’s proposals for transformation to address the current challenges. Its call for more resilient economies, more equitable and stable financial systems, and more efficient multilateralism in a multipolar world.

The Holy See will continue to engage constructively throughout the process, offering its contribution to finding a positive and successful outcome.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.



[1] “Shaping the future: Driving sustainable economic transformation for a changing world”.

[2] Pope Francis, Message for the 58th World Day of Peace, 1 January 2025.